Antebellum Death'n Roll

réf : Osmose Productions OPCD 184 No 784-894

sortie : 2006


Pierhryck (Pierrick Valence) (chant, guitare)

Patrick Martin (guitare)

Max Nomine (basse, guitare)

Cédric Lickel (batterie)


Frank Delmasure [RAYMOND COURT TOUJOURS] (harmonica sur 1, 10 et 12)

production : PHAZM & Hubert Letombe



  1. How To Become A God

DVD BONUS : live @ Nancy


  2. Hunger

  1. What A Wonderful Death (live)


  3. Black'n'Roll

  2. Fleshback (live)


  4. So White, So Blue, So Cold

  3. The Bright Side Of Death (live)


  5. My Darkest Empire

  4. Mr. Toodling (live)


  6. Damballah

  5. In Chaos (live)


  7. Decay

  6. Hunger (live)


  8. The Bright Side Of Death

  7. So Blue, So White, So Cold (live)


  9. Sabbath

  8. Devoured Tenderness (live)


10. Mr. Toodling

  9. My Darkest Desire (live)


11. Lorelindorenan

10. Black'n Roll (live)


12. Burarum

11. How To Become A God (live)
       feat. Frank Delmasure

MAJ : 24/01/2007
2001 - OTH -